June 6 to June 9, 2024:
The Philosophy & Legal Theory CRN 17, a division of the Law and Society Association, invites participants to present their work at the Law and Society Association annual meeting in taking place in Chicago, May 22-25, 2025.
To participate in the main program of the Law and Society Association meeting through the Philosophy & Legal Theory CRN 17, please submit a proposal to present in one of three formats:
1. An "individual paper submission" proposal. Submissions require a paper title and an abstract no more than 2000 characters long. Accepted individual paper submissions will receive feedback from an assigned discussant.
2. A "roundtable discussion session" proposal, for groups of 4-8 participants engaged in conversation with each other on shared topic or set of questions. Submissions consist of a session title and a description no more than to 850 characters long.
3. An “author meets reader session,” for focused discussion on a book published in 2024. Submissions require a description of the book up to 850 characters long, and listing three “readers” to discuss the book with the author.
Please submit all proposals to through the Law & Society Association's submission portal found here: https://ww3.aievolution.com/lsa2501/ by October 15, 5pm Eastern, 2024.
When submitting a proposal for the Philosophy & Legal Theory stream within the Law and Society Association meeting, make sure to check “17 – Philosophy and Legal Theory”, and no other CRNs, when you’ve reached the “CRNs” page in the submission portal.
The Philosophy & Legal Theory Collaborative website, listing past event programs, can be found here:
- https://www.philosophyandlegaltheory.org/
The Law and Society Association general webpage can be found here:
- https://www.lawandsociety.org/
Information about the Chicago 2025 LSA annual meeting is available here:
- https://www.lawandsociety.org/chicago-2025-homepage/